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Teresa Perez

Teresa Perez Collection

E-commerce platform, 100% customized and integrated with different systems in the luxury tourism segment.

  • Sector

    Luxury Tourism

  • Company Size

    200-500 employees

  • Market


About Teresa Perez

A pioneering agency in personalized, luxury travel, specialized in creating memorable journeys. For over 30 years in the market, it has provided a pioneering service through consistent consultancy work, in which the interests, desires and lifestyle of each Client are identified, discussing itineraries, destinations, cultures and logistics, with the aim of transforming intangible dreams into real experiences.



Build a customized e-commerce platform, connected to the essence of the brand and personalization of its services and offers.


  • Discovery.
  • Technical Assessment.
  • UX/UI.
  • Programming.
  • Software Integration.
  • Cloud (AWS).
  • Support.
  • Evolution sprints.

Project Highlights

  • Squad with senior team allocation, meeting the deadline requirements for the platform's go-live.
  • Use of the Sanity headless CMS as a content management solution.

Tech Stack

  • Remix, Arc IAC, AWS Lambda, AWS CloudFront, AWS Dynamo DB, Sanity, NestJS, React, Tailwind, WAF.