Towards digital acceleration - BASE Digital

55 sites with SEO directed towards the local culture

Agro Industry
Institutional Website
Towards digital acceleration

Digital acceleration with the BASE website solution


The Customer

Stara is one of the largest agricultural machinery manufacturers in Brazil, exporting to 35 countries and with over 3,500 employees.




Digital transformation is already a reality for many companies, but we know that agro has its particularities when it comes to technology. Part of Stara’s digital acceleration came precisely from the BASE website solution. With consolidated physical dealerships throughout Brazil, the challenge was to deliver 55 individual websites for each unit of the group, with an in-depth SEO strategy and organic positioning to boost specific business opportunities for each region where they operate.




There were 55 websites, one for each dealership Standardization of the identity and functionalities on all websites to reinforce the company’s digital positioning, but now with a considerable improvement in the information architecture and specific content for each location. A farmer looking for product information in Santa Maria, RS, or a farmer in Ponta Grossa, Paraná, need to find content and product offerings that are appropriate for their region. This is how the SEO strategies began to work continuously to increase organic traffic and impact Stara’s business.



Project Highlights

Identity and functionality standardization on all dealership websites, to reinforce the company’s digital positioning, content management for use by the company’s internal teams, optimized SEO strategy to generate opportunities in each local culture.

Reinforcement in the positioning of the Dealerships

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